The Blueberry Pockets team focuses on mobile and web application development with emergent technology.

Our first application in development creates an academic network to make student projects more visible and more likely to be funded at an early stage of devlepment.

We also have developed cryptocurrencies, security tokens, and we are scaling our distributed app for financial aid, visas, and transcripts, in addition to student projects who can configure their Pocket in BlockBoard to acquire direct funding from friends, followers and patrons.

We have experience in Network Security Infrastructure consultations, making business plan runways, pitch decks and white papers. We write and analyze smart contracts in a variety of languages – including Solidity – speak at events, and pitch for seed funding.

Our team finds the right technology to develop solutions to large scale problems like financial aid.

We are passionate builders.

Join us and feel free to ask about information security, network, application programming and project consultations.

“BlockBoard is an app that will solve financial aid insecurity, and provide better vision for philanthropists to help students as they create.”

Satyoshi Nakamario, Blueberry Pockets